Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I just woke up and thought you might have opened your present from me! Glad you liked everything.
I was picturing us getting up years ago........"Let's go see what Santa brought!" There were these two little girls yesterday I gave bikes, too, that seemed like they had a bond like us. They were like 4 and 7 years old and you should have seen the looks on their faces when I gave them their pink bikes to ride!

A funny thing happened. There were just a few kids left from Sunday's giveaway that I couldn't stop thinking about because they weren't on my list so they didn't get one. Well, I made another trip to WalMart and those were the kids I saw yesterday who were totally shocked and delighted that I came back.

When I turned down the street with my window rolled down (beautiful summer day here!), I heard "The bike lady is here!" kinda like I was the ice cream man or something! I got to thinking I hope that doesn't happen every time I turn into the neighborhood now! :)

Anyway, it was the most magnificent experience and just made my Christmas season.

We even were able to get one for a single Mom who has been walking to her 2 jobs in the rain!

Love you and will talk to you soon and Merry Christmas!