Story: Extra, extra! 7 tips for reusing your newspaper
Uses for newspaper
Extra, extra! 7 tips for reusing your newspaper
06:39 AM CDT on Monday, August 28, 2006Orange County Register
Heloise would be proud. People value newspaper for more than the stories, photos, graphics and puzzles. Here are some great ideas from Orange County Register readers for making use of the paper once it's been read:
1. Ripening agent: "Use newspapers to ripen tomatoes and especially avocados." Wrap the fruit or vegetable loosely in newspaper.
2. Wrap it up: "Sometimes when I'm in a hurry and forgot to buy wrapping paper, I use the comics as wrapping paper for gifts. It looks really cute."
3. Clean mirrors and windows: Nearly half of respondents lauded newspaper's ability to put that professional shine on glass. "After spraying the windows and mirrors with my favorite glass cleaners, I wipe them off with old newspapers. Be sure to wear gloves; the ink rubs off."
4. Dry out those shoes: "If I get stuck out in the rain while riding my bike, I come home and wad up sheets of newspaper and stick them into my wet cycling shoes. The shoes are made of carbon fiber and nylon materials. The moisture gets wicked into the more-porous newspaper. Sometimes I'll need to repeat the process a couple of times. The shoes are usually dry and ready to use by the next morning."
5. Seal a leak: "If you are riding your bike and have a flat tire, you can remove the inner tube and stuff the tire with torn-up newspaper. This will 'fill' the tire enough [to allow] you to ride, instead of walk, home."
6. Storage tips: "When storing, place crumpled-up newspapers in closed suitcases and coolers to keep them odor-free."
7. Pleasing place mats: "For many years, I have used sections of [the paper] as place mats for our meals. I've found this encourages reading of the paper, and I don't have to wash place mats."