Kerry: Bush needs new policy to fix 'dysfunctional' intel system, 'not a new stump speech'
RAW STORYPublished: Wednesday September 6, 2006
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After President Bush delivered his third speech on the global war on terror for the week, Democratic Senator John Kerry, in a statement received by RAW STORY, said that the Administration needs a "new policy, not a new stump speech."
"No matter how many times the President redelivers the same political speech, we need action and not words," Kerry said. "The Administration needs to focus less on a strategy to win a mid term election and more on a strategy that will win the war on terror."
Kerry slammed the Bush Administration for doing "absolutely nothing" to fix the country's "dysfunctional intelligence system" in the five years since the 9/11 attacks.
"September 11th brought home the costs of a dysfunctional intelligence system marred by bureaucratic infighting, inadequate resources, and faulty analysis," said Kerry. "But we’ve done absolutely nothing to correct it."
"The 9/11 commission just recently gave our government a failing grade on implementing intelligence reforms and our ability to intercept terrorist communications remains in legal limbo," Kerry continued. "The Administration needs a new policy, not a new stump speech."